[USENIX ATC'17] CAB-FUZZ: Practical Concolic Testing Techniques for COTS Operating Systems


Discovering the security vulnerabilities of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) operating systems (OSes) is chal- lenging because they not only are huge and complex, but also lack detailed debug information. Concolic testing, which generates all feasible inputs of a program by using symbolic execution and tests the program with the generated inputs, is one of the most promising approaches to solve this problem. Unfortunately, the state-of-the-art concolic testing tools do not scale well for testing COTS OSes because of state explosion. Indeed, they often fail to find a single bug (or crash) in COTS OSes despite their long execution time.

In this paper, we propose CAB-FUZZ (Context-Aware and Boundary-focused), a practical concolic testing tool to quickly explore interesting paths that are highly likely triggering real bugs without debug information. First, CAB-FUZZ prioritizes the boundary states of arrays and loops, inspired by the fact that many vulnerabilities originate from a lack of proper boundary checks. Second, CAB-FUZZ exploits real programs interacting with COTS OSes to construct proper contexts to explore deep and complex kernel states without debug information. We applied CAB-FUZZ to Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 and found 21 undisclosed unique crashes, includ- ing two local privilege escalation vulnerabilities (CVE- 2015-6098 and CVE-2016-0040) and one information disclosure vulnerability in a cryptography driver (CVE- 2016-7219). CAB-FUZZ found vulnerabilities that are non-trivial to discover; five vulnerabilities have existed for 14 years, and we could trigger them even in the initial version of Windows XP (August 2001).


  • Difficulties of testing COTS OSes using concolic execution
    • COTS OS is huge and complex, lack debug information
    • Cannot explore program states with pre-context
    • State explosion, fundamental scalability limitation of symbolic execution
    • Always closed-source, lack detailed documentation and test suites
  • Drawbacks of previous work
    • No work to compare
  • Why this paper is accepted
    • The first approach detects vulnerabilities in COTS OSes based on concolic testing
    • Usefulness
      • Practical system
        • overcomes scalability limitation of concolic testing
        • overcome the problem of lacking execution contexts
      • Discover 21 unique crashes on drivers in Win 7 and Win Server 2008
      • Portable, OS independent, work for closed-source OS
    • Novelty
      • Show the possibility of performing concolic testing on COTS OSes with acceptable scalability by sacrificing completeness
  • How it works
    • Inputs: disk image of COTS OS, e.g., Windows
    • Synthetic symbolization
      • Synthesize program to symbolize from scratch
      • Use previously built user-space program
      • Prioritize boundary states which likely have vulnerabilities
        • Avoid state explosion (Scalability)
          • Bugs mainly originate from a lack of boundary checks
        • Array-boundary prioritization using KLEE's getRange method
          • Lowest memory address
          • Highest memory address
          • Arbitrary memory address between highest and lowest
        • Loop-boundary prioritization using repeatedly fork and kill
          • No loop execution
          • A single loop execution
          • largest number of loop executions
    • On-the-fly symbolization
      • 16 existing programs targeting 15 different drivers
      • Exploits real programs as concolic execution template
        • No need prior knowledge such as annotation
        • Construct proper contexts to explore deep kernel states
        • Symbolize part of the inputs of a target function
        • Hook device control API, leverage existing programs
  • Evaluation
    • Apply CAB-Fuzz to Win7 and Win Server 2008
    • Synthetic symbolization: Mainly for the effectiveness of boundary prioritization
      • Apply boundary prioritization technique to known vulnerability
      • Discover new crashes in Windows and manually check the crashes
    • On-the-fly symbolization